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Neues AWS-Zertifikatsprogramm

Anwendungen und Dienste in der "AWS Cloud" aufbauen und betreiben
Cloud Computing und "AWS Cloud" gewinnt weltweit immer mehr an Bedeutung

(13.06.13) - Amazon kündigte den Launch eines neuen Amazon Web Services (AWS)-Zertifikatsprogramms an. Cloud Computing und die "AWS Cloud" gewinnt weltweit immer mehr an Bedeutung. Deshalb wächst auch die Nachfrage von Unternehmen für Mechanismen, um geeignete Kandidaten und Berater zu identifizieren, die eine nachgewiesene AWS-Expertise besitzen und mit AWS-Anwendungsprozessen bestens vertraut sind. Das neue AWS-Zertifikatsprogramm trägt dazu bei, IT Professionals zu finden, die die notwendigen Fähigkeiten und das technische Wissen besitzen, um Anwendungen und Dienste in der "AWS Cloud" aufzubauen und zu betreiben.

Weitere Informationen in englischer Sprache.

Amazon Web Services Announces Launch of Certification Program for AWS Cloud Computing Professionals
New program addresses growing demand for IT pros with demonstrated knowledge of AWS best practices worldwide

AWS Certifications help to recognize the skills, knowledge and expertise of IT professionals in designing, deploying and managing applications on the AWS platform. To earn an AWS Certification, individuals must demonstrate their proficiency in a particular area by passing an AWS Certification Exam. Individuals looking to prepare for an exam can attend courses through AWS Training to help gain proficiency with AWS services. Individuals that pass an AWS Certification Exam can display the applicable AWS Certified logo on business cards and resumes to gain visibility for their AWS expertise while fostering credibility with employers and peers.

The first available AWS Certification Exam is for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Level” certification, which tests skills for technical professionals and solutions architects involved in the design and development of applications on AWS. Additional role-based certifications, including certifications for Systems Operations (SysOps) Administrators and Developers, will follow later this year. AWS Certification Exams are administered through testing centers in more than 100 countries and 750 testing locations worldwide.

Additional benefits of the AWS Certification Program include:

>> Helps organizations to identify engineering and/or IT staff with the skills and technical knowledge necessary for building and maintaining solutions on the AWS Cloud;

>> Tests an individual’s IT skills and technical knowledge are in alignment with AWS’s architectural best practices for building highly secure and reliable cloud applications;

>> Increases differentiation for AWS Partner Network (APN) members that have AWS Certified individuals on staff;

>> Allows technical professionals to develop, certify and advertise their expertise with cloud computing on AWS.

"With cloud computing being quickly adopted by organizations of all sizes around the world, in-depth training programs as well as certifications for individuals who have demonstrated competence with AWS are increasingly important," said Adam Selipsky, Vice President, Amazon Web Services. "The AWS Certification Program helps organizations identify that the employees, partners and consultants they depend on for their AWS solutions are well-versed in the best practices of building cloud applications on AWS and have the skills to help them be successful."

"We have many mission critical programs running on the AWS Cloud across our various business groups at Samsung, so training with AWS has been a priority for the whole company for some time," said Seok Kyun Choi, Head of Training Division at Samsung SDS. The new AWS Certification program will allow us to recognize our employees who have expanded their skills as well as identify that the partners we are working with have solid knowledge in building AWS-based applications.”

"Assisting clients with their AWS implementations is increasingly strategic to the future of our business," said Joseph Coyle, North America Chief Technology Officer, Capgemini. "As we’ve been expanding our team of AWS-trained professionals to keep up with the growing demand from our enterprise clients, AWS Certifications will allow us to further differentiate our cloud computing practice in the market and provide an added level of assurance to our clients."

"With a rapidly growing demand for cloud services, the industry needs trained and certified resources to help businesses unlock the optimal value of cloud computing in driving transformation, innovation and competitiveness," said Kaushik Bhaumik, Senior Vice President for Technology, Industry and Alliances at Cognizant. "As a member of the AWS Partner Network (APN), we have been leveraging AWS training programs to bring the right talent to customer engagements. The AWS Certification Program will help us further enhance and differentiate our cloud capabilities in helping customers run better and run different."
(Amazon: ra)

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