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Einblicke in hybride Cloud-Infrastrukturen

Gigamon erweitert ihr Power of 3-Programm mit Cribl und Blackwood
Gigamon Announces Power of 3 Offering with Cribl and Blackwood to Deliver Comprehensive Intelligence to Cloud, Security, and Observability Tools

Gigamon hat gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern Cribl und Blackwood eine neue Lösung im Rahmen des "Power of 3"-Programms vorgestellt. Diese neue leistungsstarke Kombination ermöglicht tiefgehende Einblicke in hybride Cloud-Infrastrukturen und erweitert die Effizienz bestehender IT- und Sicherheits-Tools. Die Integration von Gigamon und Cribl Stream sorgt dafür, dass Unternehmen ihre Infrastruktur besser überwachen und Sicherheitsbedrohungen sowie Leistungsengpässe schneller erkennen können.

Powerful combination brings deep observability to hybrid cloud infrastructure and extends the value of existing tool investments
Gigamon, a deep observability company, announced a new Power of 3 offering with partners Cribl and Blackwood. The Gigamon Power of 3 Cloud program, launched in June, uniquely brings together Gigamon, a Gigamon channel partner, and a leading networking, security, or observability technology alliance partner to provide mutual customers with access to technology integrations and support that will help them to more efficiently and effectively manage their hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Optimized for hybrid cloud infrastructure, the newest Power of 3 offering features Cribl, the Data Engine for IT and Security, and channel partner Blackwood to enable mutual customers to gain deep observability across their entire infrastructure for efficient and effective identification of security threats and performance bottlenecks. The integration of Cribl Stream with the Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline, sold and serviced by Blackwood, helps organizations eliminate blind spots by getting the right data to their cloud, security, and observability tools.

According to the Gigamon 2024 Hybrid Cloud Security report, 65 percent of Security and IT leaders believe existing security tools are not as effective as they could be when it comes to detecting breaches because of limited visibility. As a result, one in three organizations reported they were unable to detect a breach with existing tools.

"Visibility across increasingly complex hybrid cloud infrastructure is challenging CISOs and CIOs alike, and presents one of the greatest cybersecurity vulnerabilities today,” said Srinivas Chakravarty, vice president of Cloud Ecosystem at Gigamon. "With our newest Power of 3 combination, we’re efficiently delivering network-derived intelligence to Cribl Stream when, where, and how it is needed across hybrid cloud infrastructure. This powerful combination gives Security and IT teams the added visibility they need across existing tools, extending the value of their current tool stack to more efficiently secure and manage their cloud environments.”

Gigamon, Cribl, and Blackwood: Optimizing Visibility Across Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure
The new offering integrates network-derived intelligence and insights, including application metadata, from Gigamon GigaVUE Cloud Suite into Cribl Stream, reducing the complexity of mapping data flows between the network and individual tools. This helps organizations to focus on more efficiently and effectively securing and managing hybrid cloud infrastructure, eliminating blind spots, optimizing traffic, and reducing tool cost and complexity.

Blackwood, a leading IT services company and Gigamon partner of nearly 20 years, will sell, deploy, and service the new Power of 3 combination, leveraging its global network of IT and security experts.

The new Power of 3 solution offers joint customers:
>> Data routing and enrichment.
Cribl Stream can route data collected from the Gigamon Deep Observability Pipeline to security, logging, and analytics platforms, enabling Security and IT teams to accelerate threat detection and incident response and help recover faster from incidents
>> Simplified monitoring using metadata. Cribl takes metadata extracted by Gigamon, reformats the data to match how each tool ingests data, and efficiently delivers the accessed intelligence to the specific tool
>> Reduced threat surface. Security and IT teams can search data in place or in motion to hunt threats more efficiently and correlate relevant data to reduce the threat surface and lower risk

"We’re empowering our joint customers with unprecedented visibility and control over their hybrid cloud infrastructure,” said Vlad Melnik, Technical Alliances and Partner Marketing at Cribl. "By combining Cribl and Gigamon, customers can extract maximum value from network data, while extending the value of existing tool investments. This integration provides customers with the solution they need to make more informed decisions, enhance their security posture, and optimize their network operations in an increasingly complex threat environment."

"We’re witnessing an unprecedented explosion in both the number and variety of data sources, as organizations work to secure and manage their hybrid cloud infrastructure,” said Ryan Morris, president at Blackwood "Integrating industry-leading solutions from Cribl and Gigamon, we’re able to offer customers the most comprehensive view of their cloud environments available in the market. As data volumes continue to grow exponentially, our integrated, cost-effective approach allows customers to confidently maintain robust cybersecurity postures." (Gigamon: ra)

eingetragen: 29.01.25
Newsletterlauf: 02.04.25

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