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"VMware Cloud on AWS" startet in der Region Asien-Pazifik und bietet neue Enterprise-Funktionen
"VMware Cloud on AWS" ist jetzt weltweit verfügbar

VMware gab auf der "VMworld 2018 US" bekannt, dass "VMware Cloud on AWS ab" sofort in der Region Asien-Pazifik (Sydney) von "Amazon Web Services" (AWS) verfügbar ist. Darüber hinaus kündigt VMware neue Funktionen an, die Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt bei der schnellen Migration von Anwendungen und Rechenzentren in einen sicheren Cloud Computing-Service unterstützen, der die hohen Anforderungen von Unternehmensanwendungen erfüllt.

VMware Cloud on AWS is an on-demand service that reduces the cost and effort associated with migrating applications to the cloud by delivering infrastructure and operations that are consistent with those deployed within customer data centers, and extending tools, processes, and practices proven to support the most demanding applications. VMware Cloud on AWS is delivered, sold, and supported by VMware and its partner community and brings VMware’s enterprise-class Software-Defined Data Center software to the AWS Cloud, enabling customers to run production applications across VMware vSphere-based hybrid cloud environments, with optimized access to the breadth and depth of AWS services and robust disaster protection.

"VMware Cloud on AWS is now available across multiple regions globally including the U.S., Europe, and now Asia-Pacific, and we’ve increased the rate at which we deliver innovative capabilities and powerful solutions for our customers,” said Mark Lohmeyer, senior vice president and general manager, Cloud Platform Business Unit, VMware. "VMware Cloud on AWS provides a fast and cost-effective way to migrate mission-critical applications, or even entire data centers, to the cloud. And once in the cloud, we provide the industry-leading Software-Defined Data Center capabilities of VMware, coupled with the elasticity, breadth, and depth of AWS infrastructure and services, making it the ideal platform for modern applications.”

"Customers have been asking us to bring VMware Cloud on AWS to Asia Pacific, and we are pleased to be doing that today,” said Sandy Carter, vice president, EC2 Windows Enterprise Workloads, Amazon Web Services. "VMware Cloud on AWS is the only hybrid cloud service that allows vSphere customers to leverage consistent infrastructure across on-premises data centers and AWS, allowing them to migrate current and new workloads to the cloud with the most functionality, greatest agility, and best security and performance. VMware Cloud on AWS enables customers to save costs, while also enabling them to scale depending on their application needs.”

The latest VMware Cloud on AWS updates include:

50 percent lower entry-level price and new minimum configuration: VMware will reduce the entry price for VMware Cloud on AWS by 50 percent and offer a smaller 3-host minimum SDDC configuration as a starting point for production workloads. For a limited time, VMware will offer the 3-Host SDDC environment for the cost of a 2-Host configuration.

License optimization for enterprise applications (Oracle/Microsoft): With new custom CPU core count capabilities, customers will be able to specify just the number of CPU cores they need, reducing the cost of running mission-critical applications that are licensed per CPU core. With VM-Host Affinity customers will be able to pin workloads to a specific host group to support licensing requirements.

Instant Data Center evacuation with live migration of 1000’s of VMs: Customers will be able to live migrate thousands of VMs with zero downtime and schedule exactly when to cut over to the new cloud environment with VMware NSX Hybrid Connect (previously known as VMware Hybrid Cloud Extension) powered by vMotion and vSphere Replication. VMware is offering a free migration cost assessment with VMware Cost Insight as part of the core service to assist with cloud migration planning.

New high-capacity storage option, backed by Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS): Customers will be able to independently scale compute and storage resource requirements and reduce costs for storage-capacity demanding workloads with new clusters for storage-dense environments. These clusters deliver scalable storage capabilities with VMware vSAN utilizing Amazon Elastic Block Storage and run on new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) R5.metal instances. Amazon EC2 R5.metal instances are based on 2.5 GHz Intel Platinum 8000 series (Skylake-SP) processors. Each host has two sockets, 48 cores, 96 hyper-threads, 768 GB RAM, and 25 Gbps network bandwidth.

Application-centric security with VMware NSX: Customers will gain granular control over east-west traffic between workloads running in VMware Cloud on AWS through micro-segmentation provided by NSX. Security policies can be defined based on workload attributes (e.g., VM names, OS versions) and user-defined tags, are dynamically enforced at the VM-level, and follow workloads wherever they are moved.

NSX/AWS Direct Connect integration for simplified, high-performance connectivity: This new integration will make it easier for customers to connect across hybrid cloud environments and improve network performance. Integration between NSX and AWS Direct Connect will enable private and consistent connectivity between VMware workloads running on VMware Cloud on AWS and those running on-premises. This integration will also accelerate migration to cloud and enable multi-tier hybrid applications.

Optimized cost/performance with autoscaling: Elastic DRS allows users to automate VMware Cloud on AWS cluster scaling. Elastic DRS enables automated scaling up or scaling down of hosts and rebalancing of clusters, based on the needs of the applications and the policies the customer defines.

Real-Time log management included at no additional cost: VMware has added VMware Log Intelligence to the core VMware Cloud on AWS service, providing customers with access to VMware Cloud on AWS audit logs for increased security and compliance at no additional cost.

Rapidly Growing Ecosystem Validates Demand for VMware-Based Hybrid Cloud
VMware partners are helping customers deploy hybrid cloud environments using VMware Cloud on AWS. In less than six months since launching the expansion of the VMware Partner Network to enable solution providers, managed service providers (MSPs), and system integrators to grow their hybrid cloud business with VMware Cloud on AWS, nearly 150 partners globally have achieved their VMware Cloud on AWS Solution Competency. Additionally, the number of solutions from VMware Technology Alliance Partners that have been tested and validated for VMware Cloud on AWS has increased 4x to nearly 100 solutions. Read this blog for more details on the expanding partner ecosystem for VMware Cloud on AWS. (VMware: ra)

eingetragen: 31.08.18
Newsletterlauf: 10.09.18

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