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Couchbase Capella Database-as-a-Service

Couchbase verkündet "ISV Starter Factory" und Microsoft-Azure-Marketplace-Veröffentlichung
Microsoft Azure Marketplace: Über diesen Online-Store bietet Microsoft Anwendungen und Services für Azure an

Couchbase veröffentlicht die Couchbase Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Starter Factory. Das neue Programm unterstützt ISVs mit zusätzlichen Tools und Ressourcen, um Anwendungen mit Couchbase Capella Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) auf Amazon Web Services (AWS) zu entwickeln und zu monetarisieren. Zu den Ressourcen, die Couchbase und AWS gemeinsam in die ISV Starter Factory gesteckt haben, gehören technische Proof-of-Value-Workshops, Proofs of Concept (PoCs), Schulungen, Zertifizierungen, Best Practices und die Abstimmung mit Systemintegratoren (SIs), die Teil des AWS Partner Network-Programms sind.

Zusätzlich dazu gibt Couchbase die Verfügbarkeit von Couchbase Capella Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) im Microsoft Azure Marketplace bekannt. Über diesen Online-Store bietet Microsoft Anwendungen und Services für Azure an.

Weitere Infos sind in den englischen Pressemeldungen:

Couchbase Launches ISV Starter Factory on AWS to Accelerate Application Development on Capella
The Couchbase ISV Starter Factory Delivers Enhanced Support for Database Management, Migration and Cloud Infrastructure for ISVs

Couchbase, the cloud database platform company, announced the Couchbase Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Starter Factory. The new program supports ISVs with additional tools and resources required to build and monetize their applications with Couchbase Capella Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Couchbase and AWS have invested resources into the ISV Starter Factory including technical proof-of-value workshops, proofs of concept (PoCs), training, certifications, best practices and aligning System Integrators (SIs) that are part of the AWS Partner Network program.

The unique combination of a cloud database vendor, cloud services provider and select SIs provides an end-to-end program for ISVs that streamlines ISV migration efforts to Capella on AWS. The ISV Starter Factory builds on the momentum from Couchbase’s recently enhanced ISV Partner Program in conjunction with Couchbase’s expanded relationship with AWS, which offers customers integrated go-to-market activities, commercial incentives and technology integrations including support for migrating workloads to the Capella offering on AWS.

According to a McKinsey study, companies with high developer velocity grew revenue four to five times faster than those with low velocity. For ISVs, developing market-leading apps that need to evolve rapidly can be difficult. Adding features and increasing differentiation can be at the expense of developer agility when the database does not perform or scale to meet their needs. Additionally, some vendors provide limited services for ISVs, which are typically disaggregated and can end up creating more roadblocks for their development teams.

Couchbase’s ISV Starter Factory reduces this complexity, making it easier to modernize and migrate apps. It is a single place for organizations looking for a developer-friendly solution to build applications. Capella also addresses challenges around cloud infrastructure and migration services. Couchbase’s flexible and cost-efficient cloud database Capella, paired with AWS's scale and compute power, allows ISVs to establish and expand their business at a compellingly low total cost of ownership. Customers’ development speed and agility are also enhanced as Capella enables teams to consolidate their solutions — saving time and budget.

Couchbase ISV partners can take advantage of the capabilities of Capella and Capella App Services on AWS, including:

>> SQL-like experience for modern applications: With a familiar foundation, developers aren’t required to learn new coding languages and processes, which helps close the skills gap.
>> Securely sync data from any cloud to the edge: Capella App Services allows developers to store, query, search and analyze data in the cloud, at the edge or on IoT devices regardless of internet connectivity and speed. This enables applications that are always fast and always on.
>> Multi-data models: Capella makes development faster and easier by providing multiple services within one platform including document, key-value, full-text search and eventing.

"As part of our growing momentum with AWS, we’re excited to equip our ISV partners with industry-leading resources to help propel their application development journeys forward, turning theory into action,” said Matt McDonough, senior vice president of business development and strategy at Couchbase. "Support from AWS and participating SIs enables our ISV Starter Factory to provide ISVs with programmatic support to productionize and monetize their applications with faster time to market." (Couchbase: ra)

Couchbase Capella Database-as-a-Service Now Available in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace
Microsoft Azure Customers Worldwide Now Gain Access to Capella to Take Advantage of the Scalability, Reliability and Agility of Azure to Drive Application Development and Shape Business Strategies

Couchbase announced the availability of Couchbase Capella Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, an online store providing applications and services for use on Azure. Couchbase customers can now take advantage of the productive and trusted Azure cloud platform with streamlined deployment and management.

Capella is a fully managed JSON document and key-value database with SQL access and built-in full-text search, eventing and analytics. It easily supports a broad range of modern application use cases with multi-model and mobile synchronization capabilities and allows customers to use the programming language of their choice. Furthermore, Capella’s memory-first architecture drives blazingly fast millisecond data responses at scale, resulting in best-in-class price performance of any fully managed document database. With Capella on Azure, customers can improve alignment with modern applications and support hybrid and multicloud strategies from a single platform.

"We continue to invest in our industry-leading Capella DBaaS, including making it more accessible for customers, improving the developer experience and supporting enterprises,” said Scott Anderson, senior vice president of product management and business operations at Couchbase. "Debuting Capella in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace means we can streamline and simplify the process for customers to adopt our cloud database platform and deploy applications on their cloud of choice. We believe offering Capella in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace will accelerate adoption and bring the power of Couchbase to more organizations.”

Jake Zborowski, General Manager, Microsoft Azure Platform at Microsoft Corp. said, "We’re pleased to welcome Couchbase to the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, which gives our partners great exposure to cloud customers around the globe. Azure Marketplace offers world-class quality experiences from global trusted partners with solutions tested to work seamlessly with Azure.”

The Azure Marketplace is an online market for buying and selling cloud solutions certified to run on Azure. The Azure Marketplace helps connect companies seeking innovative, cloud-based solutions with partners who have developed solutions that are ready to use. (Couchbase: ra)

eingetragen: 06.06.23
Newsletterlauf: 18.07.23

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