Wechsel zu Cloud-basierten Anwendungen
Gartner: Finanzabteilungen setzen schneller auf die Cloud als erwartet
Analysten diskutieren Trends der Finanzmanagement-IT beim Industry Day des Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2017 vom 5. bis 9. November in Barcelona
Die Kriterien, nach denen Unternehmen ihre Finanzmanagement-Lösungen aussuchen, verschieben sich aktuell deutlich. Dem IT-Research und Beratungsunternehmen Gartner zufolge geht der Wechsel zu Cloud-basierten Anwendungen schneller vonstatten als erwartet. Eine aktuelle Gartner-Umfrage unter Führungskräften in Finanzabteilungen hat ergeben, dass 36 Prozent der Unternehmen bis 2020 über die Hälfte ihrer Transaktionssysteme in die Cloud verlagern werden.
"Die meisten Kunden, die sich über Finanzmanagement-Lösungen informieren, interessieren sich ausschließlich für die Cloud-Option", erklärte John Van Decker, Research Vice President bei Gartner. "Viele Unternehmen, die zurzeit ihre Finanzmanagement-Anwendungen noch auf eigenen Servern betreiben, planen den Einsatz neuerer Lösungen, die den Endnutzern mehr Kontrolle geben und weniger Aufwand durch Upgrades verursachen."
Beim Branchentag des Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2017 vom 5. bis 9. November in Barcelona werden die Analysten weitere Einblicke in die Trends bei Finanzmanagement-Lösungen geben.
Gartner Says Finance Is Moving to the Cloud Much Faster Than Expected
Analysts Will Examine Trends in the Financial Services Industry during Industry Day at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2017, 5-9 November in Barcelona, Spain
A major shift is taking place in how organisations select their financial management applications, with a migration to cloud applications happening faster than expected, according to Gartner, Inc. A recent Gartner survey of senior finance executives found that by 2020, 36 per cent of organisations will use the cloud to support more than half of their transactional systems of record.
Gartner surveyed 439 global senior financial executives (including 410 who had implemented cloud strategic and financial corporate performance management solutions) from January through March 2017 to explore their technology perspective, influence of IT, needs and priorities in technology investment.
According to the survey:
>> Organisations of all sizes are moving to cloud solutions, such as core financial applications, for transactional systems of record.
>> Cloud momentum is consistently higher across financial business applications year over year.
>> Business analytics and enterprise business applications continue as top investment initiatives for senior financial executives.
>> According to the survey, smaller and midsize organisations are adopting cloud more rapidly than larger organisations, with 44.6 per cent of smaller organisations, 37.7 per cent of midsize organisations and 40.4 per cent of large organisations planning to move to the cloud over the next three years.
"We’ve found that most clients asking about these financial business application markets are solely interested in the cloud option," said John Van Decker, research vice president at Gartner. "Many organisations that currently run on-premises solutions want to move to newer solutions that put more control in the hands of the end user, and reduce the effort required when compared with on-premises upgrades."
Gartner has found that the human capital management and procure-to-pay markets have already been migrating their business applications to the cloud, while the office of finance has been slower to move. However, things are changing for the finance organisation. CFOs are usually more conservative about moving their data to the cloud, however, given the current change in the market there will be a steady migration over the next five to 10 years.
Cloud solutions are still developing and do not have uniform capability to meet the needs of all verticals, company size and local markets, and clients will need to do their due diligence when evaluating cloud solutions in these markets.
"The Gartner survey showed that 93 per cent of businesses see the cloud being utilised for half of enterprise transactions in the future," said Mr Van Decker. "The cloud has definitely changed the game for financial management business applications. Vendors have responded with new and rearchitected platforms in the cloud, and most have de-emphasized their on-premises solutions, in favour of cloud implementations, which are more profitable for the vendors, while reducing the effort of local IT support. (Gartner: ra)
eingetragen: 15.09.17
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