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Navigating Complexity in Multicloud Adoption

InterCloud Announces Top 5 Cloud Connectivity Trends for 2024
From carefully harnessing the potential of AI to embracing edge computing, these key trends will dominate the cloud connectivity landscape in 2024

In their efforts to get the very best out of the cloud, enterprises find themselves navigating a multifaceted cloud connectivity landscape. Those that take steps to implement proactive connectivity strategies, harness expert guidance, and prioritise seamless integration will pave the way for innovation, resilience, and sustained cloud excellence. This is according to Jerome Dilouya, CEO at InterCloud. Businesses seeking to optimise their cloud connectivity should recognise and address the following five key trends.

Trend 1: Navigating complexity in multicloud adoption
According to research from Gartner, in 2024 more than 75 percent of large enterprises will be running a hybrid or multicloud environment. This shift demands a fundamental evaluation of strategic goals, urging enterprises to adopt a more comprehensive and adaptable cloud strategy.

Dilouya commented: "The business challenge lies in the complexity of managing diverse infrastructures cohesively. Integrating on-premise systems with multiple cloud providers introduces challenges in terms of interoperability, data consistency, and overall system governance. Striking the right balance between flexibility and control is essential for optimising operations across various cloud platforms without sacrificing security or operational efficiency.

"As enterprises navigate the complexities of blending on-premise solutions with various cloud providers, fostering an environment where legacy systems coexist harmoniously with cutting-edge cloud technologies, end-to-end managed cloud connectivity technology will not be merely a reaction to these challenges, but a proactive and strategic solution. We expect more organisations to enlist expert guidance and implement centralised governance of their cloud ecosystems to ensure optimal performance.”

Trend 2: Leveraging edge computing for real-time decision-making
The surge in edge computing marks a pivotal shift in how organisations approach data processing and analytics. Beyond addressing latency concerns and optimising bandwidth, this trend reshapes real-time decision-making, bringing cloud services closer to the network's edge.

"Edge computing is indispensable for businesses aiming to make decisions in real time. By localising processing near data sources, organisations mitigate latency, optimise bandwidth, and spur innovation in areas like IoT and autonomous systems.” Dilouya continued.

"While the adoption of edge computing and native clouds offers transformative opportunities, businesses in 2024 face the challenge of redefining their data processing and storage strategies. Managing data at the edge requires a re-evaluation of traditional centralised approaches, introducing complexities in data governance, security, and compliance.”

"Businesses should seek guidance in implementing continuous expert monitoring mechanisms for optimal performance and designing an infrastructure that allows for flexible integration of edge computing capabilities, ensuring seamless interaction with cloud services.”

Trend 3: Harnessing AI for digitally enabled business models
With 61 percent of enterprises already using AI and machine learning (ML) in their operations, business face the challenge of ensuring their workforce is ready and upskilling teams where necessary.

Dilouya: "As organisations automate routine tasks and embrace AI-driven decision-making processes, employees will transform their roles and skillsets throughout 2024 and beyond. Alongside this, the sheer volume of data generated by AI and ML introduces a bandwidth challenge that organisations must effectively address.

"The integration of AI is not just about automation: it has a prominent role to play in cloud. By strategically incorporating AI-driven solutions into cloud platforms, organisations not only enhance decision-making processes but also encounter the challenge of managing the influx of data points generated by AI and ML. The success of AI adoption, therefore, will hinge on having robust, agile and flexible cloud connectivity, with bandwidth-optimised connectivity solutions and advanced network monitoring and visibility.”

Trend 4: Securing enterprise-critical data at the edge
As cyber threats evolve, ensuring the security of enterprise-critical data becomes paramount. Building trust, complying with regulations, and mitigating risks associated with data breaches are all crucial parts of building proactive defence mechanisms in the face of an ever-changing threat landscape.

Dilouya commented: "Robust cloud security is no longer a compliance checkbox; it is a critical component of overall risk management, and we expect this focus to be prominent in 2024. Rather than reacting to security incidents, enterprises must actively fortify their security posture, deploying pre-emptive measures like advanced encryption, threat detection, and identity management solutions.

"End to end managed cloud connectivity providers will play a pivotal role by delivering enhanced security processes, therefore mitigating risks and helping maintain operations.”

Trend 5: Adapting to the digital ecosystem: infrastructure modernisation
In 2024, digital transformation will mean more than just upgrading legacy systems. Instead, it will symbolise a strategic move towards embracing cloud-native architectures, driven by the need for greater agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Dilouya: "The challenge of infrastructure modernisation lies in the complexities associated with transitioning from legacy systems to cloud-native architectures. Businesses must leverage efficient connectivity tools to facilitate a smooth transition, offering flexibility when modernising infrastructure.

"Navigating the complexities of infrastructure modernisation requires specialised expertise. Managed cloud connectivity providers will be essential partners in 2024, offering guidance, support and peace of mind by delivering robust SLAs, alongside the added visibility and analytics needed to rapidly and consistently support business needs." (InterCloud: ra)

eingetragen: 19.01.24
Newsletterlauf: 26.03.24

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