SaaS- und Cloud-basiert, ITIL-konform
SolarWinds bringt "SolarWinds Service Desk" auf den Markt
The SaaS-based offering, available immediately, complements the company’s current IT Service Management (ITSM) product suite, extending ITSM capabilities to businesses of all sizes and maturity
SolarWinds bringt "SolarWinds Service Desk" auf den Markt. Das neue IT-Service-Management-Angebot liefert IT-Profis eine robuste und einfach zu bedienende Service-Desk-Lösung. Dabei werden die aktuelle ITSM-Produktsuite ergänzt und Funktionen auf Unternehmen jeder Größe und jeden Reifegrads erweitert. Das Angebot ist SaaS- und Cloud-basiert, ITIL-konform und ab sofort verfügbar.
Zusätzlich hilft SolarWinds Service Desk, die Produktivität von Mitarbeitern zu steigern und bessere Geschäftsergebnisse zu erzielen. Dass ITSM ein Thema von höchster strategischer Bedeutung für IT-Verantwortliche ist, zeigt auch eine Studie von IDC, der zufolge der ITSM-Markt bis voraussichtlich 2023 die 8,5-Milliarden-US-Dollar-Marke überschreiten wird.
SolarWinds Announces the Availability of "SolarWinds Service Desk"
The SaaS-based offering, available immediately, complements the company’s current IT Service Management (ITSM) product suite, extending ITSM capabilities to businesses of all sizes and maturity
SolarWinds announced the release of SolarWinds Service Desk, an IT service management (ITSM) offering that will empower IT professionals with a robust and easy-to-use service desk solution. SolarWinds is expanding its capabilities in the space during a time of extreme importance for IT leaders. The ITSM market is forecasted to reach over $8.5 billion by 2023, according to IDC1. Through the acquisition of market-leading ITSM solution Samanage earlier this year, SolarWinds now adds a comprehensive, ITIL-compliant, cloud-based solution for companies of all sizes, helping them increase employee productivity and drive better business outcomes.
From ongoing IT help desk requests, to costly outages that affect employee productivity, to overspending on hardware and software, businesses are tasked with gaining better control of their IT infrastructure and service costs. SolarWinds, through Web Help Desk and now SolarWinds Service Desk, helps IT pros solve employee service challenges the way that works best for them and their business needs—whether through simple, on-premises ticketing software, or an ITIL-ready, SaaS-based service desk solution. The company is working to help ensure smart, powerful, and affordable ITSM solutions are accessible to companies of all sizes and levels of IT maturity.
"IT service desks are a core solution every employee must interact with to get their jobs done each and every day,” said Doron Gordon, senior vice president, ITSM, SolarWinds. "As businesses make new strides in their digital transformation journeys, it’s essential their ITSM solution can evolve with them and continue serving the needs of both the employees and the IT staff. For the first time, SolarWinds can offer a range of ITSM offerings, and put employee service offerings within the hands of IT pros from small businesses to large enterprises through SolarWinds Service Desk.”
SolarWinds Service Desk can remove the manual burden of managing incoming tickets and tracking technology assets, freeing up budget and empowering IT professionals to focus on critical growth projects and transformation. SolarWinds Service Desk is based on ITSM best practices to create a platform as usable as it is cutting-edge by incorporating automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to help streamline IT support services and empower employee self-service. The product has won countless industry awards and is recognized as one of the most-reviewed and highest-rated ITSM solutions across a variety of peer review websites, like Gartner Peer Insights and G2 Crowd.
Fully integrated with SolarWinds Service Desk is the newest addition to the service management portfolio, SolarWinds Discovery, providing organizations with an accurate and cost-effective way to discover, map, and manage technology assets. The product will enable organizations to consolidate asset information from multiple repositories, improve service delivery by providing real-time intelligence on assets, and enhance flexibility for collecting and managing data.
"Businesses are significantly overspending on hardware and software due to asset management solutions with poor transparency. This creates bottleneck issues that can result in unplanned downtime, which costs organizations even more in the long-run,” added Gordon. "SolarWinds Discovery offers technology leaders and decision-makers a new level of visibility into not only their IT assets, but their entire technology landscape." (SolarWinds: ra)
eingetragen: 12.08.19
Newsletterlauf: 26.09.19
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