Data Storage Services managen
Red Hat übernimmt Hybrid Cloud-Data-Management-Provider NooBaa
Funktionen für die Verwaltung von Applikations-, Rechen-, Speicher- und Datenressourcen in Public- und Private-Cloud-Infrastrukturen
Red Hat, Anbieterin von Open-Source-Lösungen, hat die Übernahme von NooBaa bekanntgegeben. Das Unternehmen entwickelt Software für die Verwaltung von Data Storage Services in Hybrid- und Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen. Die Technologien von NooBaa ergänzen und erweitern das Hybrid-Cloud-Technologie-Portfolio von Red Hat, einschließlich Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage und Red Hat Ceph Storage.
Gemeinsam sollen diese Technologien Benutzern eine Reihe leistungsstarker, konsistenter und kohärenter Funktionen für die Verwaltung von Applikations-, Rechen-, Speicher- und Datenressourcen in Public- und Private-Cloud-Infrastrukturen bereitstellen.
Red Hat Acquires Hybrid Cloud Data Management Provider NooBaa
Red Hat enhances portfolio of hybrid cloud technologies with a unified data platform for distributed hybrid and multicloud environments
Red Hat announced that it has acquired NooBaa, an early stage company developing software for managing data storage services across hybrid and multicloud environments. The addition of NooBaa's data management technology augments Red Hat's existing portfolio of hybrid cloud offerings and helps advance Red Hat's position as a leading provider of open hybrid cloud technologies.
According to industry analyst firm Gartner, "The landscape of cloud adoption is one of hybrid clouds and multiclouds. By 2020, 75 percent of organizations will have deployed a multicloud or hybrid cloud model.”1 As these heterogeneous environments become a de facto standard for modern workloads, they can lead to a proliferation of disparate data silos that increase the complexity of managing and scaling cloud-native applications.
NooBaa was founded in 2013 to address the need for greater visibility and control over unstructured data spread throughout these distributed environments. To achieve this, the company developed a data platform designed to serve as an abstraction layer over existing storage infrastructure. This abstraction not only enables data portability from one cloud to another, but allows users to manage data stored in multiple locations as a single, coherent data set that an application can interact with.
NooBaa's technologies complement and enhance Red Hat's portfolio of hybrid cloud technologies, including Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage and Red Hat Ceph Storage. Together, these technologies are designed to provide users with a set of powerful, consistent and cohesive capabilities for managing application, compute, storage and data resources across public and private infrastructures.
(Red Hat: ra)
eingetragen: 29.11.18
Newsletterlauf: 14.01.19
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