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Hybrid Cloud Connectivity

Alkira and Itential Join Forces to Simplify Automation of Cloud Networks
Alliance makes it easier to deploy and manage multi-cloud and hybrid cloud networks

Alkira, the pioneer in agentless, multi-cloud networking, and Itential, the leader in network and cloud automation software, today announced the integration of their two platforms, bringing automation, simplicity, speed and control to cloud networking for enterprises. Alkira simplifies the provisioning, operation, and management of multi-cloud networking, making it straightforward to connect different sites, users or cloud applications. Alkira also provides hybrid cloud connectivity, enabling users to connect their on-prem environments to Alkira’s CXP with traffic running on the Alkira cloud backbone.

Itential enables infrastructure teams to automate network and security configuration changes across hybrid multi-cloud networks and quickly integrate with IT systems to orchestrate the entire end-to-end change management process. Together the two platforms give enterprises the ability to deploy, manage and operate enterprise grade networks for cloud and on-prem with full end-to-end automation, reducing time to market for business-critical services.

According to the 2023 Flexera State of the Cloud report, 87 percent of enterprises already use multiple clouds and 72 percent use a mixture of public and private clouds. While the cloud makes it possible to deploy new applications faster than ever, the networks needed to connect them securely to customers and partner ecosystems are slow to deploy, costly to manage and difficult to adapt. Even after they are successfully deployed, DIY cloud networks have complexity baked in, leading to ongoing operational challenges and higher costs.

"Today’s enterprise network is a complex combination of traditional and modern network solutions, managed by multiple teams with different tools and varying levels of automation capabilities”, said Chris Wade, CTO, Itential. "Enterprises need consistent automation capabilities across every network domain and integration with many IT systems to provide self-service automation to their customers and end-users. The combination of the Itential Automation Platform with Alkira’s Multi-Cloud Networking Platform gives enterprises the power to create self-service automations that can operate on the entire network, simplifying their operations and securely delivering applications and services at an unprecedented pace.”

By integrating these two platforms, network teams can build automations that utilize Alkira’s unique cloud features along with integrating with on-prem network and security solutions, and IT systems like IPAM, ITSM and sources of truth. The joint integration addresses several use cases, including:
>> Cloud onboarding
>> Cloud to internet connectivity
>> Cloud security
>> On-prem to cloud connectivity
>> Multi-cloud connectivity
>> Cloud backbone (inter-region connectivity)

"Networks are constantly changing. By integrating these two platforms at the API level, network teams can build automations that combine Alkira’s unique cloud features with Itential’s ability to ensure compliance and consistency across physical and cloud infrastructure,” said Atif Khan, CTO and co-founder, Alkira. "We look forward to working closely with Itential and continuing to deliver an unmatched experience to our customers that is predicated on speed, simplicity, scalability and security.”

"Closely tracking both Alkira and Itential since their product launches, we see this partnership as a significant leap towards more automated, API-centric enterprise networking," said Roy Chua, founder and principal at AvidThink. "Integrating Alkira's expertise in multi-cloud networking with Itential's advanced network automation, this alliance is set to boost operational speed and reduce error potential, greatly easing network management in the multi-cloud era. We anticipate this step will enhance business agility and accelerate delivery of critical services." (Alkira: ra)

eingetragen: 11.09.23
Newsletterlauf: 20.10.23

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