Unternehmen möchten SaaS-konformes IAM nutzen
Gartner-Prognose: Akzeptanz von biometrischer Authentifizierung per Mobilgerät und IAM per SaaS nimmt zu
Analysten diskutieren aktuelle Trends auf dem Gartner Identity & Access Management Summit 2019, vom 7. bis 8. März in London
Immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen die biometrische Authentifizierung. Laut dem Research- und Beratungsunternehmen Gartner werden bis 2022 bis zu 70 Prozent von ihnen diese über Smartphone-Apps implementieren – unabhängig davon, welches Endgerät verwendet wird. Zum Vergleich: 2018 waren es noch weniger als 5 Prozent. Niedrigere Kosten und eine verbesserte User/Customer Experience (UX/CX) tragen zum zunehmenden Interesse an biometrischer Authentifizierung bei.
"Biometrische Authentifizierung verwendet biologische oder verhaltensbedingte Merkmale, die für jede Person einzigartig sind. Dadurch ermöglicht sie eine bessere UX/CX als andere gängige Methoden. Die Implementierung über Smartphone-Apps bietet mehr Konsistenz für die UX/CX und ist einfacher umzusetzen, als die Nutzung auf verschiedenen Endgeräten", so Ant Allan, Research Vice President bei Gartner.
Gartner Predicts Increased Adoption of Mobile-Centric Biometric Authentication and SaaS-Delivered IAM
By 2022, Gartner, Inc. predicts that 70 per cent of organisations using biometric authentication for workforce access will implement it via smartphone apps, regardless of the endpoint device being used. In 2018, this figure was fewer than 5 per cent.
Lower costs and improved user experience/customer experience (UX/CX) are fuelling this increasing interest in biometric authentication.
"Security and risk management leaders responsible for identity and access management (IAM) and fraud prevention continue to seek approaches for identity corroboration that balance trust and accountability against total cost of ownership and UX/CX,” said Ant Allan, research vice president at Gartner. "Biometric authentication uses biological or behavioural traits unique to each person and offers better UX/CX and accountability than other common methods. Implementing this via smartphone apps provides more consistency in UX/CX and is technically simpler than supporting it directly on a variety of different endpoint devices.”
Midsize and large organisations looking to implement biometric authentication via smartphone apps must be aware that biometric approaches that can be readily supported on any smartphone are vulnerable to presentation attacks or "spoofing” using photos, videos, voice recordings, and so on. Therefore, presentation attack detection or "liveness testing” is essential.
SaaS-Delivered IAM Will Fulfil Most Needs
Gartner predicts that, by 2022, 40 per cent of global midsize and larger organisations will use IAM capabilities delivered as software as a service (SaaS) to fulfil most of their needs — up from 5 per cent in 2018.
SaaS-delivered IAM is often deployed to enhance access management software implementations. The ease of implementation and rapid time to value of SaaS-delivered IAM offerings have proved valuable to organisations that favour SaaS adoption and do not consider the operational management of IAM functionality core to their business.
"Based on our client interactions, most SaaS-delivered IAM purchases are for access management and lightweight identity governance and administration functionality, such as single sign-on. These offerings provide excellent connectivity and include solid access management and password management features,” said Abhyuday Data, associate research principal analyst at Gartner."B2B and B2C are the most established use cases with matured access management capabilities.”
The steady movement of applications to cloud and mobile architectures is also influencing adoption. The combination of functional offerings that are configured, rather than customised, and modern application architectures is causing a substantial portion of the market to adopt SaaS-delivered IAM.
"Organisations looking to use SaaS-delivered IAM should first ensure they have established satisfactory and well-supported traditional IAM software stacks. They then need to consider SaaS-delivered IAM once functional needs are met and the organisational benefits are realised,” concluded Mr. Data.
Gartner clients can read more in the report, "Predicts 2019: Identity and Access Management.” More predictions for all aspects of the IT industry can be found in the Gartner Trend Insight Report, "Predicts 2019: Leadership Means Expanding Options, Not Limiting Them,” a collection of research aimed at helping CIOs and IT leaders focus on how the landscape is shifting for individuals, businesses and IT organisations.
(Gartner: ra)
eingetragen: 12.01.19
Newsletterlauf: 25.02.19
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