BaaS: Best-of-Breed-Bündelangebot
"CloudCasa" von Catalogic und Ondat bieten ein Angebot für Kubernetes-Storage und Datensicherung an
Die Partnerschaft bringt vereinfachte und leistungsstarke Kubernetes-Speicherung und Datensicherung
Catalogic Software, Anbieterin von intelligenten Datensicherungslösungen, kündigte zusammen mit Ondat, einer Anbieterin einer Kubernetes-nativen Datenplattform, ein neues gebündeltes Angebot ihrer nativen Backup-as-a-Service-Plattform "CloudCasa" an. Dieses kombinierte Angebot bietet Kunden eine einheitliche Lösung, um ihre zustandsabhängigen Anwendungen auf Kubernetes zu betreiben.
Das Best-of-Breed-Bündelangebot von CloudCasa und Ondat ist eine kosteneffiziente Lösung für die Herausforderungen von Kubernetes Day 2, einschließlich Speicher- und Infrastrukturmanagement, Datenmobilität über verschiedene Umgebungen hinweg sowie Backup und Recovery für Kubernetes-Workloads. DevOps- und Plattform-Teams verfügen damit über eine einfache, leicht zu nutzende Software-as-a-Service(SaaS)-Lösung, die ihnen die Flexibilität bietet, Anwendungen überall zu speichern, zu verwalten und zu sichern, sei es vor Ort, in hybriden oder in Cloud Computing-Umgebungen.
Weitere Details in der englischen PR-Mitteilung
Catalogic Software, a leading provider of smart data protection solutions, announced a new bundled offering of its native back-up-as-a-service platform CloudCasa and Ondat, a leading Kubernetes-native data platform provider. This combined CloudCasa and Ondat offering provides customers with a unified solution to run their stateful applications on Kubernetes, without worrying about availability, performance, protection, or data management and recovery.
As per a recent benchmarking report, the leading Kubernetes storage provider, Ondat is 32 percent faster than its competitors. CloudCasa by Catalogic is recognized as a Leader and Outperformer in the GigaOm Radar for Kubernetes Data Protection Report. This best-of-breed bundled offering from CloudCasa and Ondat is a cost-effective solution to address Kubernetes Day 2 challenges including storage and infrastructure management, data mobility across different environments, and backup and recovery for Kubernetes workloads. DevOps and platform teams will now have a simple, easy to consume software-as-a-service solution that gives the flexibility to store, manage, and backup applications anywhere on-premises, hybrid, or cloud environments.
"Choice is a key factor for our customers; Ondat provides a breadth of Kubernetes integrations independent of the underlying storage provider and CloudCasa supports a variety of storage backup needs, avoiding vendor lock-in for our customers,” said Richard Olver, CEO of Ondat. "We’re pleased to team up and offer a bundle that delivers a best-in-class enterprise container native storage and data protection strategy for applications on Kubernetes, at a lower entry price point and lower TCO to deliver and manage.”
CloudCasa protects Kubernetes environments with a cyber-resilient, scalable backup and disaster recovery service for cloud native applications. Ondat is a container-native, software defined storage solution for Kubernetes, to run stateful workloads with high availability, scale, and security. The joint solution stack provides users with a comprehensive, high performance, and application portable solution.
"Our combined offering delivers performance, scale, management, availability and data protection for stateful workloads at a significant cost savings. Primary production Data and Secondary backup data have their own requirements and characteristics that are better addressed by two Kubernetes solutions that exclusively focus on these challenges,” said Sathya Sankaran, Founder and General Manager of CloudCasa by Catalogic. "We’re pleased to team up with Ondat to deliver Kubernetes data protection as a service, and ensure their data is protected, tamper-proof and available to be restored anywhere – on-premises, cloud, or hybrid.”
CloudCasa integrates natively with all Kubernetes storage platforms such as Ondat, and other managed Kubernetes services. CloudCasa provides cluster and cloud-aware backups allowing organizations to easily restore data across clusters, regions, cloud accounts and cloud providers. This bundled offering is available to existing Portworx customers at a 50% discount off the current pricing of Ondat and CloudCasa in the first year. Channel partners will also get special incentives in the form of a SPIFF based on net new opportunities. (Catalogic Software: Ondat: ra)
eingetragen: 21.02.23
Newsletterlauf: 28.04.23
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