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SaaS Businesses Around the World

Houseware Launches With $2.1M Funding to help SaaS Companies Laser-Focus on Revenue
Houseware enables SaaS businesses to create a true new-age CRM for the modern world, built on the cloud data warehouse

Houseware launches from stealth with $2.1M seed funding, helping everyone in a SaaS accelerate the use of their data to make better decisions faster. Houseware is laser-focused on supporting users to drive revenue-based outcomes as SaaS businesses weather the macroeconomic outlook.

SaaS businesses around the world have been under intense scrutiny owing to drifting macroeconomic conditions over the past year as they seek to establish sustainable business models. Yet, a key means to unlock growth and revenues remain in the hands of the few: the data teams. Helping their commercial and revenues teams make better and faster decisions using their rich store of data, Houseware is coming out of stealth with a $2.1M seed funding round.

The funding round was led by Tanglin Venture Partners with participation from GTMfund, Better Capital, and prominent angel investors from leading SaaS businesses, including Snowflake, Superhuman, Stripe, Zendesk, and others. Houseware is on a mission to address access and usability of data through apps empowering a wider audience in companies beyond data and engineering teams.

"Data and metrics have come into sharp focus over the past 6 months across SaaS businesses with board meetings now seeking answers to the cost of customer acquisition, which lead channels are working the best or how product usage links to churn. Investors are focussed on solid unit economics and the path to profitability so a lot will depend on hard-core, disciplined, top decile business execution. Houseware plans to address these questions for the ecosystem to shape the next decade of SaaS, fuelled by concepts of sustainable growth and profitability”, said Divyansh Saini, Co-founder & CEO of Houseware.

Founded in 2021 by Divyansh Saini and Shubhankar Srivastava, they sought to flip the value of the cloud data warehouse from data and engineering teams to the revenue function in SaaS companies. Hence, the eponymous name "Houseware" was born, quite literally flipping the word "Warehouse."

Having spent the previous five years working at the intersection of data and go-to-market teams in SaaS companies, Divyansh Saini observed that the world of tables, columns, rows, schemas, and metrics that drive the business is completely broken today. The true identity of a user, customer, invoice, or transaction is split across hundreds of point solution tools spread across an organization such as Stripe, Salesforce, Mixpanel, Gainsight, etc. The plaguing and overpowering nature of these tools means that simple questions like "how many users do we have?” have been left unanswered and key initiatives dropped.

Sankalp Gupta, Partner at Tanglin Venture Partners who led the round said, "Houseware has been at the cusp of two really broad markets - the modern data stack and system of records like the CRM inside SaaS companies. At Tanglin, we’ve been fortunate to support Houseware early in their journey as they crack and create a seismic shift in this low NPS, deep TAM market."

Houseware enables SaaS businesses to create a true new-age CRM for the modern world, built on the cloud data warehouse. Houseware combines the power and depth of the modern data stack (tools like Snowflake) with the beauty and agility of the best of consumerized SaaS (tools like Notion). The unique combination now enables teams to move from simply consumers of data to creators of data-first use cases across the revenue function.

Divyansh Saini added: "Executives across the revenue function are under tremendous pressure to find avenues for growth. Metrics and access to these insights to run experiments are at the heart of this problem and Houseware is becoming mission-critical across our users, with up to 30 percent using the product daily".

Houseware will be using the funding to grow its customer base, expand its team, and double down on alliances with partners like Snowflake to scale its offerings.

"During my time as an GTM operator at various SaaS companies, I would have loved to have something like Houseware. The experience of being able to run with use-cases across different segments is powerful for any scaling SaaS company looking to find their alpha (and now even more critical during this downturn),” says Scott Barker, Co-founder & Partner at GTMFund. (Houseware: ra)

eingetragen: 14.03.23
Newsletterlauf: 16.05.23

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