Wachstum der IT-Ausgaben
Verstärkter Einsatz von Cloud Computing-Services in Unternehmen
Gartner: IT-Ausgaben steigen 2019 um 3,2 Prozent weltweit
Die weltweiten IT-Ausgaben werden sich im Jahr 2019 voraussichtlich auf 3,8 Billiarden US-Dollar belaufen, so die aktuelle Prognose des Research- und Beratungsunternehmens Gartner. Das ist ein Wachstum von 3,2 Prozent gegenüber den IT-Ausgaben in Höhe von 3,7 Billiarden US-Dollar, die Gartner nach dem aktuellsten Forecast für das laufende Jahr 2018 erwartet.
"Schwankende Wechselkurse und die Gefahr von Handelskriegen spielen immer noch eine Rolle in den Aussichten für die IT-Ausgaben. Die größten Auswirkungen hat jedoch die Verschiebung von Besitztum hin zu Service, die wir in allen Segmenten beobachten", so John-David Lovelock, Research Vice President bei Gartner.
"Ein Zeichen dafür ist beispielsweise der verstärkte Einsatz von Cloud Computing-Services in Unternehmen – statt ihre eigenen Server zu kaufen, setzen sie auf die Cloud. Während Unternehmen die digitale Transformation weiter vorantreiben, wird sich diese Verschiebung hin zu einem "Pay for Use"-Modell fortsetzen. Das versetzt Unternehmen in die Lage, mit den anhaltenden und schnellen Veränderungen umzugehen, die ein Kennzeichen des Digital Business sind."
Enterprise software spending is forecast to experience the highest growth with an 8.3 per cent increase in 2019. Software as a service is driving growth in almost all software segments, particularly customer relationship management (CRM), due to increased focus on providing better customer experiences. Cloud software will grow at more than 22 per cent this year compared with 6 per cent growth for all other forms of software. While core applications such as enterprise resource planning, CRM and supply chain continue to get the lion share of dollars, security and privacy are of particular interest right now. Eighty-eight per cent of recently surveyed global CIOs have deployed or plan to deploy cybersecurity software and other technology in the next 12 months.
In 2018, data centre systems are expected to grow 6 per cent, buoyed by a strong server market that saw spending growth of more than 10 per cent over the last year, and in 2018 will come in at 5.7 per cent growth. However, by 2019 servers will shift back to a declining market and drop 1 per cent to 3 per cent every year for the next five years. This, in turn, will impact overall data centre systems spending as growth slows to 1.6 per cent in 2019.
IT services will be a key driver for IT spending in 2019 as the market is forecast to reach $1 trillion in 2019, an increase of 4.7 per cent from 2018. An expected global slowdown in economic prosperity, paired with internal pressures to cut spending, is driving organisations to optimize enterprise external spend for business services such as consulting. In a recent Gartner study, 46 per cent of organisations indicated that IT services and supplier consolidation was in their top three most-effective cost-optimisation approaches.
Worldwide spending for devices — PCs, tablets and mobile phones — is forecast to grow 2.4 per cent in 2019, reaching $706 billion, up from $689 billion in 2018. Demand for PCs in the corporate sector has been strong, driven by Windows 10 PC hardware upgrades that should continue until 2020. However, the PC market may see some impact from the Intel CPU shortage. While this shortage will have some short-term impacts, Gartner does not expect any lasting impact on overall PC demand. The current expectation is that the shortage will continue into 2019, but Intel will prioritise the high-end CPU as well as the CPUs for business PCs. In the meantime, AMD will pick up the part of the market where Intel cannot supply CPUs.
"PCs, laptops and tablets have reached a new equilibrium state. These markets currently have stable demand from consumers and enterprises. Vendors have only subtle technology differentiation, which is pushing them to offer PC as a Service in order to lock clients into multiyear recurring revenue streams and offer new bundles service options,” said Mr Lovelock.
(Gartner: ra)
eingetragen: 18.10.18
Newsletterlauf: 14.11.18
Gartner: Kontakt und Steckbrief

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