Hyperscale treibt die Cloud-Agenda
Gartner prognostiziert, dass die weltweiten Public Cloud-Ausgaben der Endnutzer im Jahr 2023 fast 600 Milliarden Dollar erreichen werden
Cloud treibt digitale Unternehmenstransformation durch aufkommende Technologien, einschließlich generativer KI, voran
Laut der jüngsten Prognose von Gartner werden die weltweiten Ausgaben der Endnutzer für öffentliche Cloud Computing-Dienste bis 2023 um 21,7 Prozent auf 597,3 Milliarden US-Dollar steigen – gegenüber 491 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2022. Cloud Computing treibt die nächste Phase des digitalen Geschäfts an, da Unternehmen durch aufkommende Technologien wie generative künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Web3 und das Metaversum neue Wege betreten.
"Hyperscale Cloud-Anbieter treiben die Cloud-Agenda voran", sagt Sid Nag, Vice President Analyst bei Gartner. "Unternehmen betrachten die Cloud heute als hochstrategische Plattform für die digitale Transformation. Das verlangt von den Cloud-Anbietern, immer ausgefeiltere Funktionen anzubieten, da sich der Wettbewerb um digitale Services verschärft."
"Generative KI wird beispielsweise durch große Sprachmodelle (LLMs) unterstützt, die leistungsstarke und hoch skalierbare Rechenkapazitäten benötigen, um Daten in Echtzeit zu verarbeiten", so Nag weiter. "Die Cloud bietet die perfekte Lösung und Plattform. Es ist kein Zufall, dass die Hauptakteure im Rennen um generative KI Cloud-Hyperscaler sind."
Für alle Segmente des Cloud-Marktes wird bis 2023 ein Wachstum erwartet. Für Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) wird bis 2023 mit 30,9 Prozent das höchste Wachstum der Endnutzerausgaben prognostiziert, gefolgt von Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) mit 24,1 Prozent (siehe Tabelle).
Worldwide Public Cloud Services End-User Spending Forecast (Millions of US Dollars)

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Reach Nearly $600 Billion in 2023
Cloud Drives Digital Business Transformation Through Emerging Technologies, Including Generative AI
Worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services is forecast to grow 21.7% to total $597.3 billion in 2023, up from $491 billion in 2022, according to the latest forecast from Gartner, Inc. Cloud computing is driving the next phase of digital business, as organisations pursue disruption through emerging technologies like generative artificial intelligence (AI), Web3 and the metaverse.
"Hyperscale cloud providers are driving the cloud agenda,” said Sid Nag, Vice President Analyst at Gartner. "Organisations today view cloud as a highly strategic platform for digital transformation, which is requiring cloud providers to offer more sophisticated capabilities as the competition for digital services heats up.”
"For example, generative AI is supported by large language models (LLMs), which require powerful and highly scalable computing capabilities to process data in real-time,” added Nag. "Cloud offers the perfect solution and platform. It is no coincidence that the key players in the generative AI race are cloud hyperscalers.”
All segments of the cloud market are expected see growth in 2023. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) is forecast to experience the highest end-user spending growth in 2023 at 30.9%, followed by platform-as-a-service (PaaS) at 24.1%.
Gartner predicts that by 2026, 75% of organisations will adopt a digital transformation model predicated on cloud as the fundamental underlying platform.
"The next phase of IaaS growth will be driven by customer experience, digital and business outcomes and the virtual-first world,” said Nag. "Emerging technologies that help businesses interact more closely and in real time with their customers, such as chatbots and digital twins, are reliant upon cloud infrastructure and platform services to meet growing demands for compute and storage power.”
While cloud infrastructure and platform services are driving the highest spending growth, SaaS remains the largest segment of the cloud market by end-user spending. SaaS spending is projected to grow 17.9% to total $197 billion in 2023.
"The technology substrate of cloud computing is firmly dominated by the hyperscalers, but leadership of the business application layer is more fragmented," said Nag. "Providers are facing demands to redesign SaaS offerings for increased productivity, leveraging cloud-native capabilities, embedded AI and composability – particularly as budgets are increasingly driven and owned by business technologists. This change will ignite a wave of innovation and replacement in the cloud platform and application markets." (Gartner: ra)
eingetragen: 20.04.23
Newsletterlauf: 28.06.23
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